Yes, I agree, without specific information on what could be improved criticism ends up not being very constructive. So if you could clarify what you are talking about specifically, that might be helpful. There are of course a few sprites which were included in wyrmsun which could obviously be improved, some of which I would like to improve when I get around to it, but we don't have enough man power to work on everything at once. Fauna are fully animated in wyrmsun while critters in WC2 were completely static except for their deaths). Personally, I think some aspects of the WC2 graphics are better(WC2 sprites were rendered from 3d models converted to 2d images, while wyrmsun sprites made no use of 3d models), and other aspects of the wyrmsun graphics seem better to me (There are more animations and animation details in wyrmsun bow strings rattle, archers have melee animations in addition to their long ranged attack animations, goblin thieves alternate between stabbing/chopping attack animations, workers have heads, etc. They pointed out the knight and elf as examples, which have many transparent pixels in the middle of objects/bodies, and the bow string traveled through the body while the quiver faced the wrong direction on the elf, the peasants had a black spot instead of a head, etc).

They pointed out the flaws in WC2 sprites. Someone else told me that what I was making was better than WC2 stuff. Jinn even commented on one of the animated sprites in a positive way. Most people who've commented on the sprites/animations have given positive responses. We're currently experimenting with converting things to blitted sprites, so if revisions to the sprites are appropriate, now might be a good time to figure that out. What exactly bothers you about which sprites and animations? Have you played Wyrmsun, or are you speaking of old videos, or some wargus mod? I made almost all of the animation in Wyrmsun and am open to improvement suggestions, but it's not easy to quantify a criticism with no specific information.

It's hard to make sense of what you are saying, because Wyrmsun isn't a wargus mod and doesn't use wargus mods. I meant the actual game sprites and their animations.